Each gym has a separate page. At the top of the page we put in
RED what age groups/divisions are playing in that gym.
Gym Location / Address is listed at the top of the page in the header. Click here for
Gym Directions.
On schedules we format by: coach’s name, division abbreviation, and team color.
- Example= Smith VAR Navy
Division abbreviations:
- PNT = 5-6 year olds
- INST = 7-8 year old boys teams
- INST GO or I GO = 7-8 year old girls teams
- TR = 9-10 year old boys teams
- TR GO = 9-10 year old girls teams
- JV = 11-12 year old boys teams
- JV GO = 11-13 year old girls teams
- VAR = 13-14 year old boys teams
- HS GO = 14-18 year old girls teams
- HS = 15-18 year old boys teams
Several coaches have multiple teams in different divisions - be sure you're checking the correct division abbreviation/game schedule pertaining to your child.
If team name is in BOLD on the schedule, that means you are playing a double header (i.e. 2 games).
Game Schedule Post Dates:
November 9 - posted be 11/ 6
November 16 - posted by 11 /13
November 23 - posted by 11/20
December 7, 14, & 21 - posted by Thanksgiving
January 11 - posted by Christmas
November 9 Game Schedule
November 16 Game Schedule
November 23 Game Schedule
December 7 Game Schedule (Picture Day)
December 14 Game Schedule ( Make-up Picture Day)
December 21 Game Schedule
January 11 Game Schedule
WBBL Championship Tournaments (Format described below)
January 18 Game Schedules (list format)
January 25 Game Schedules (list format)
PNT Brackets
INST Brackets
INST GO Brackets
TR Brackets
TR GO Brackets
JV Brackets
JV GO Brackets
VAR Brackets
HS GO Brackets
HS 9th Grade Brackets
HS 10th Grade Brackets
HS 11th Grade Brackets
HS 12th Grade Brackets