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West Bearden Basketball League


League Info:

Known by most as the WBBL.

Over 50 years old and is considered one of the top youth sports organizations in the Southeast.

A high-quality and thoroughly developed basketball league best know for the great sportsmanship our league fosters.

All players make a team and all players play in each game.

Teams are organized within their divisions base on skill level, ensuring that every game is both fair and competitive.

Exceptional staff and coaches.

 Season Info:

Our regular season runs during the normal basketball season.

Evaluation nights take place early October and teams are put together by Halloween.

Games and practices start in November and go through December and January.  

Games are typically always played on Saturdays. Games can tip-off as early as 8:45am and end as late as 7:00pm.

All teams practice at least one per week with some teams choosing to practice twice. 

The WBBL regular rec season is followed by the WBBL Tournament the last 2 Saturdays January. Teams face-off in brackets determined by their regular season game results for the chance to win the first place trophy! 

Location Info:

Most WBBL games are played in big gyms- typically high schools or middle school gyms in Knoxville- with plenty of seating. 

Please be prepared to travel outside of West Knoxville for certain practice / game gyms.

Click here for a full list of gym locations and directions.


Admission for all spectators is FREE

No evaluation fee. 

Cost is $290 for the entire season for 1 child (includes WBBL jersey)

We offer a second child discount.

A payment plan is available when you register with an additional installment fee.

League & Divisions

Leagues by Age as of September 1 of the Current Year....

COED League:
5/6 PNT

Boys Leagues: 7/8 INST, 9/10 TR, 11/12 JV, 13/14 VAR, & 15-18 HS 

Girls Leagues: 7/8 INST GO, 9/10 TR GO, 11-13 JV GO & 14-18 HS GO


5/6 year olds (PNT)
3-on-3 half court | 8ft goal | 6 minute quarters| Running clock

7/8 year olds (INST & INST GO)
5-on-5 full court | 8ft or 9ft goal | 8 minute quarters | Clock stops for free throws 

9/10 year olds (TR & TR GO)
5-on-5 full court | 9ft or 10ft goal | 8 minute quarters | Clock stops for free throws 

Boys 11/12 & Girls 11-13 (JV & JV GO) 
5-on-5 full court | 10ft goal | 8 minute quarters | Clock stops for free throws 

Boys 13/14 (VAR) 
5-on-5 full court | 10ft goal | 8 minute quarters | Clock stops for free throws 

Boys 14/15 - 18 & Girls 14 -18 (HS & HS GO)
5-on-5 full court |10ft goal | 16 minute halves | Clock stops for free throws 


Each WBBL age group averages 30 teams (5-6 year olds and girls league will have fewer teams).

Our regular season has roughly 200 total teams and 1800 athletes that participate in our league.

Having such large groups of teams for all age groups, especially for our girl divisions is very rare in the Knoxville area.

Teams rarely repeat opponents during the season.

The WBBL league accepts fully established teams into the 
league - click here for instructions on how to register as a full team.



Make-up Evals: October 9 

@ KAEC (5719 Kingston Pike)

All players MUST register online and in advance to attending an evaluation night. 

Players are required to attend 1 eval night unless on full teams or special arrangements have been made.

All players make a team. 

Evaluation Schedule:

Ages as of 9/1/2024

BOYS & GIRLS 5-6 YEAR OLDS (COED PNT League) - 5:15 - 6:00 pm

BOYS & GIRLS 7-8 YEAR OLDS (INST & INST GO Leagues) - 6:00 - 6:45 pm

 (TR & TR GO Leagues) - 6:45 - 7:30 pm

BOYS 11-12 YEAR OLDS (JV League) - 7:30 - 8:15 pm
GIRLS 11-13 YEAR OLDS (JV GO League) - 7:30 - 8:15pm

BOYS 13-14 YEAR OLDS (VAR League) - 8:15 - 8:45 pm

BOYS 15-18 YEAR OLDS (HS League) - 8:45 - 9:00 pm
GIRLS 14-18 YEAR OLDS (HS GO League) - 8:45 - 9:00pm

Registration lines open at the designated start time of each age group. Arrive any time during your age group’s time slot to be evaluated, but do not arrive any later than 10 minutes prior to your eval END time.
Once on the court, evals should take roughly 10 minutes.

COED 5/6 YEAR OLD (PNT) DIVISION - Age as of 9/1/24

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

GIRLS ONLY DIVISIONS - Age as of 9/1/24

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

BOYS DIVISIONS - Age as of 9/1/24

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

West Bearden Basketball League

P.O. Box 1694 
Knoxville, Tennessee 37901
Phone : 865-258-3786
Email : [email protected]
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